
On 05.03.2013, at 17:44, Paul Wouters <> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Mar 2013, Antoin Verschuren wrote:
>> Our zone is not the start of any chain of trust
> That's a TLD corner case (and not entirely true at that, since you don't
> really know what I configure as trust anchor in my resolver)
Sure, but to validate on the public Internet I would strongly advise to use the 
root key. Anything else is calling for trouble and with a signed root we should 
assume that people do this unless they have a private DNSSEC deployment. I 
wouldn't see that as a corner case.

> There are many more parent-child relationships then just the
> registry-registrar-registrant case which involves other paths of
> trusts like EPP.
While EPP is used in lots of TLDs for domain registration this draft actually 
describes the case where it applies for (DNS operator is not registrar) and 
that also is a common case. I don't think we should leave out the RRR cases in 
that draft.

So long
Ralf Weber
Senior Infrastructure Architect
Nominum Inc.
2000 Seaport Blvd. Suite 400 
Redwood City, California 94063

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