Dear WG,

> Please respond by the end of next week, so that we could ask future
> editors to submit a renamed -00 version by Monday, Feb 18.

thanks to all who responded and especially to those three volunteer
reviewers.  However, we've not met the 5 reviewer threshold, so your
chairs agreed the WG might want to spend a bit more time given that
interest was signalled.  The current authors are encouraged to fold
in comments they received on this list and also we'd like to see
discussion on content so that there might be a broader base next time.
We will be going to start negotiating goals and milestones with our new AD
in Orlando and will keep this topic in mind, but we also need a strong
WG commitment to work on a draft.

This means we'll not have a draft-ietf-dnsop-as112-omniscient this
time, but no more, no less: nobody should be discouraged from making
comments on this draft, the floor remains open.

Best regards,
  Peter (as DNSOP co-chair)
DNSOP mailing list

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