I revised  my draft-rafiee-intarea-cga-tsig incorporating your comments that I 
received by email. Please review my revised document.
Best Regards,

Status:          http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-rafiee-intarea-cga-tsig
Htmlized:        http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-rafiee-intarea-cga-tsig-01

   The first step in the Transaction SIGnature (TSIG) (RFC 2845) process
   is the generation of a shared secret to be used between a DNS server
   and a host. The second step is the manual exchange of the shared
   secret between the DNS server and the host. This document, CGA-TSIG,
   proposes a possible way to automate the now manual process used for
   the authentication of a node with a DNS server during the DNS Update
   process by using the same parameters as are used in generating a
   secure address in IPv6 networks, i.e., Cryptographically Generated
   Addresses (CGA) (RFC 3972). CGA-TSIG facilitates this authentication
   process and reduces the time needed for DNS Updates. The current
   signature generation process and verification mechanism in TSIG are
   thus replaced with CGA. This algorithm is added, as an extension, to
   TSIG to eliminate the human intervention needed for generation and
   exchange of keys between a DNS server and a host when SEcure Neighbor
   Discovery (SEND) (RFC 3971) is used.


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