In message <>, Joe Abley writes:
> On 2012-11-22, at 18:10, Mark Andrews <> wrote:
> > Individual hosts should be doing dynamic DNS.  Where that update
> > is sent to may change but all machines should be doing it and should
> > support TSIG as a minimum.
> The missing pieces here include:
>  - what sane ISP/campus/home network/hotspot operator gives credentials =
> to customers or even random users to complete dynamic updates to one of =
> their master servers?

ISP's have a contractual relationship often with shared secrets
(username / password) for updating all sorts of information via a
web interface.  TSIG is just a username / password pair operated
over DNS instead of HTTP / HTTPS.  You can still do all the sanity
checking you want on the names if you want.  Named has the hooks
to do this today.  What it doesn't have yet is a external TSIG
database but that is realitively easy to add.

>  - how can a TSIG key be shared between a network operator and a client =
> that potentially don't know each other?

Use a DH TKEY exchange with packets sourced from the address you want to
be updated.  You then have a TSIG that is bound to a address.  You only
allow that TSIG to update the associated reverse name.

>  - what name should a user be allowed to specify in their PTR RDATA?

Any legal multi label hostname.  You can do checks on the name for
obsenties if you want.

>  - what stops user A from sending authentically TSIG-signed UPDATEs to a =
> nameserver and changing (or removing) user B's PTR?

See above.

>  - what consumer systems do this by default? (I think it's none, but I =
> thought I'd ask)

We are designing for the FUTURE.  The consumer systems WILL do this
if the operators add support.  This is all existing protocols being
bolted together.

> > Individual hosts should be able to work out where to send the updates
> > by querying the DNS to find the nameservers of the containing zone
> > after processing and DNAME/CNAME mappings.
> I think you skipped a step -- you need to find the zone cut before you =
> can find the nameservers responsible for the zone. I guess I do that by =
> asking for and checking the authority section, but =
> what if the authority section is empty because of software choices in =
> some nameserver? I guess then I need to

We shipped code to do this back before the turn of the millenium
with BIND 8 as it was needed for nsupdate.

> [krill:~]% ifconfig en0 | grep inet6 | grep -vi fe80::
>       inet6 2001:4900:1042:100:7ed1:c3ff:fee8:102f prefixlen 64 =
> autoconf=20
> [krill:~]%=20
> [krill:~]% dig =
> =
> IN SOA +short
> [krill:~]% dig =
> =
> IN SOA +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig =
> IN =
> SOA +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig =
> IN =
> SOA +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig =
> IN SOA =
> +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig =
> IN SOA =
> +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig =
> IN SOA =
> +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig =
> IN SOA =
> +short =20
> [krill:~]% dig =
> IN SOA +short =20
> [krill:~]% dig =
> IN SOA +short =20
> [krill:~]% dig IN =
> SOA +short =20
> [krill:~]% dig IN =
> SOA +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig IN SOA =
> +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig IN SOA =
> +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig IN SOA =
> +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig IN SOA +short=20=
> [krill:~]% dig IN SOA +short=20=
> [krill:~]% dig IN SOA +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig IN SOA +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig IN SOA +short=20
> [krill:~]% dig IN SOA +short=20
> . 2011032174 10800 3600 604800 86400
> [krill:~]%=20

% nsupdate -dd
> update add 0 in ptr 
> send
Reply from SOA query:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id:   5017
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUESTION: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

2011032174 10800 3600 604800 86400

Found zone name:
The master is: .
couldn't get address for '.': not found
> Ah, there it is. There's no MNAME specified (I rudely called it ".") but =
> let's pretend I didn't do that.
> Now I need to know:
>   what is my name?

Names don't depend apon where you are in the network.  You give a
machine a name when you configure it for the first time.

>   how do I know the name is unique within this network?

The name is fully qualified.  There is no "unique within this network" to
worry about.  It's globally unique.

>   what TSIG key should I use?

The one you negotiate with the nameserver.

> Let's suspend disbelief and suppose that I am capable of knowing a =
> reasonable name that represents a reasonable, valid FQDN, that I know =
> it's unique, and that I have somehow discovered a TSIG secret for the =
> local network that is still a secret, and isn't shared knowledge amongst =
> 300,000 other customers.
> Once I've answered those questions, I send a TSIG-signed UPDATE to the =
> MNAME-specified server and update:
> =
> =
> Presumably we're encouraging PTR records to make sense, in which case I =
> also want to update:
> AAAA 2001:4900:1042:100:584e:a27e:8df4:6277
> Since is my own domain, and I run the server referenced in =
> the MNAME (assuming again I change it from "." to something sensible), =
> there is some chance I could make this work. What if the domain is =
> hosted elsewhere? What if it's the ISP's domain I've decided to use? =
> What if I have no reasonable parent domain configured, and the local =
> hostname is "Joe's Computer"?

Well you host your zone on a server that does dynamic updates.
> I need to repeat this for every v6 address I have (I have five right =
> now, apparently, not counting the link-local) and also handle deletion =
> of AAAAs and PTRs that might already be there, accommodating the full =
> range of abrupt disconnects that phones and networks enjoy six hundred =
> times per day.

Well you would send one update for the forward with all your addresses.

> Even without harping on about the many unanswerable questions in the =
> travelogue above, this whole procedure seems filled with fail.
> > Darwin and Windows already support sending dynamic updates though
> > I don't believe they handle the presence of DNAME or CNAME.
> I believe these days none of (Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android) do this =
> by default. Windows and Mac OS X can be made to do this kind of thing =
> with specific configuration ("wide-area bonjour", "Active Directory"), =
> which is usually only ever done in an enterprise context.
> I think current tools for this suck, and current protocols are going to =
> need extensions to be defined before the situation gets any better. =
> Happy to be proven wrong, though.

Tools become better as every starts to support it.
> If there's a good way to do this (enforce a naming scheme that =
> guarantees uniqueness, use SIG(0), whatever) then I think this draft =
> needs to spell it out in a way that people can actually implement, both =
> as vendors of consumer operating systems and as v6-capable ISPs. Simply =
> saying "this has been easy for a decade" doesn't really get us anywhere.=20=
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:
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