On Aug 30, 2012, at 9:45 AM, Paul Vixie <p...@redbarn.org> wrote:

> On 2012-08-30 9:40 AM, Johan Ihrén wrote:
>> Not to question the abilities of the WG, but I still have to ask whether (in 
>> your opinion) the operations community would be better off with a single 
>> document that may be finished around Christmas Eve 2020 or rather live with 
>> multiple docs that are published somewhat sooner than that.
> while i agree with these sentiments i have a broader concern. ietf's
> mantra is good engineering. if we know now that keytiming has flaws, and
> we are only considering publishing it because we know our own record
> shows that reaching consensus for keytiming-bis will take a long time,
> then it's an implicit indictment (by us) of our own record and habits.
> we should have a better reason for publishing two documents, like new
> ideas occurred to us after the first one was beyond reach of our pen, or
> they have different topics.

A big +1. An operator who wants to know how to do rollovers will not know *or 
care* why they followed IETF guidance that was overturned or even clarified 
soon after.

The reasons that the base document got delayed so horribly do not matter any 
more: what matters is what the WG and its leadership are willing to do today to 
help operators in the near future.

--Paul Hoffman
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