On 2012-07-24, at 12:25, Edward Lewis wrote:

> At 17:05 -0400 7/14/12, Joe Abley wrote:
>> Any new work which needed to assert that both sets were the same would
>> meet with little objection though, I think.
> I disagree.
> I would object to any strengthening of what is said in STD 13.
> Yes, the two sets are designed to be the same.  But if they had to 
> always be the same, it would bi impossible to add or delete NS 
> records.

In this context, "the same" refers to the steady state: i.e. a mechanism which 
standardised the promotion of an updated, signed apex NS set to form a 
replacement delegation set in the parent would be one that enforced that 
steady-state similarity. This is in contrast to a conscious operational 
decision to keep the delegation and apex NS sets different in the steady state 
(which at least a couple of us have observed).

My point was that prevalent deployment of such mechanisms which prevented (or 
made difficult to maintain) such conscious dissonance would likely meet with 
little objection.


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