On Jun 12, 2012, at 8:17 AM, Joe Abley wrote:

>>   300     IN      SOA     prisoner.iana.org. 
>> hostmaster.root-servers.org. 2002040800 1800 900 604800 604800
>> as the SOA?
> That would involve custom software. At present, anybody can run an AS112 
> server using whatever choice of platform and DNS code they feel like. 
> Requiring custom code for an AS112 server and expecting it to be maintained 
> on multiple platforms seems unlikely, but no doubt it could be done.

OTOH, it eliminates all worries about the SOA being misinterpreted, and really, 
this would be be remarkably small:

EG, I know I can code this up in prototype form in my (hackish) Python DNS 
library in about an hour, and the total codebase would be on the order of 600 
total LOC, including the DNS library.

So synthesizing an exact-match SOA should at least be considered, since it 
addresses the only interoperability concern I see with that of an overly-broad 
SOA record.

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