On Jul 5 2011, George Barwood wrote:

The intent is to restrict the ability to update the parent DS to those who have
access to key signing keys. Thus where there is a split responsibility (similar
to the root zone where IANA has the KSK private key, and Verisign has only the
ZSK private key ), only the senior party can update the parent DS.
The party that only holds the ZSK private key cannot update the parent and
take over the zone.

OK - maybe I should have thought of that, but I think it does need to be made
clear in the draft.

But it remains the case that not all signed zones have this division of
responsibilities[*], or even have separate KSKs and ZSKs. Maybe this
ought to be a policy matter for each parent-child pair, rather than a
protocol MUST/SHOULD.

[*] and to have them in separate *organisations* is pretty much unique to
   the root zone - where we certainly don't have to worry about how to
   update the DS records in the parent zone :-)

Chris Thompson               University of Cambridge Computing Service,
Email: c...@ucs.cam.ac.uk    New Museums Site, Cambridge CB2 3QH,
Phone: +44 1223 334715       United Kingdom.
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