On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 06:04:31PM -0000, John Levine wrote:

> Since the TTL on a negative cache entry comes from the TTL on the SOA
> returned with the NXDOMAIN, this means that they'll be returning SOAs
> with different TTLs on different responses.  This strikes me as
> something that's not technically illegal, but that people who write
> DNS caches didn't anticipate.  Is it likely to break anything?

Strictly, the TTL on a negative cache entry comes from the minimum of
the TTL of the SOA and the SOA.MINIMUM subfield.  So the strategy
won't work if the latter is too low.  I'll ignore that and just assume
you're dealing with it.

In principle, a cache will need to be able to cope with the
possibility that the TTL will change on a record in between times the
cache looked.  That's for two reasons: the authoritative server's
records could change, or there could be a cache in between.

It strikes me that a cache might not actually overwrite its negative
cache for a zone if it already has a negative TTL longer than the one
it gets in a given answer, on the grounds that having been given the
longer TTL before it is permitted to continue using that.  So I think
you'll probably need to test widely in order to learn whether your
strategy will actually work in practice.

> Bonus question: with DNSSEC, a cache can use NSEC info to synthesize
> NXDOMAIN responses for nearby addresses.  Will inconsistent TTLs break
> anything then?

I think you'd have to ask implementers of such synthesizing caches.
But I can't see how.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
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