On 11 nov 2010, at 23.24, Masataka Ohta wrote:

> Joe Abley wrote:
>> http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-liman-tld-names-04.txt
>> is the latest iteration of an effort started quite some time
>> ago to clarify the somewhat vague inference in RFC 1123 and
>> create a more precise specification for the syntax of TLD
>> labels in the DNS. The authors have not received any feedback
>> on this document from the wider DNS community, and would
>> welcome some.
> Unlike RFCs 1034 and 1035, it lacks discussion on case
> insensitivities of non-ASCII characters, I'm afraid.

It does:

>    A Restricted-A-Label is a DNS-Label which satisfies all the following
>    conditions:
>    1.  the DNS-Label is a valid A-Label according to [RFC5890];
>    2.  the derived property value of all code points, as defined by
>        [RFC5890], is PVALID;
>    3.  the general category of all code points, is one of { Ll, Lo, Lm,
>        Mn }.

If you want more clarification than that (and the reference to RFC5890 where it 
is discussed further), please send text.


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