On 17 sep 2010, at 12.28, W.C.A. Wijngaards wrote:

> The file is in XML.  It is described in
> http://data.iana.org/root-anchors/draft-icann-dnssec-trust-anchor.txt
> I would like to fix its format, as XML string operations are (in my
> opinion) dangerous - especially for a file someone can force me to parse
> by triggering a validation failure for the root.  It is also in UTF-8,
> that needs unicode conversion?  I really have to have a full XML parser?
> I would assume the file uses the ascii set and no change in linebreaks
> from today.

The file is in XML format and follows the schema from the draft. You should 
parse this file as XML and not depend on the specific current format/encoding, 
i.e. new tags and attributes may be added in the future. There are plenty of 
light-weight XML parsers available and I suggest you try to use one of them 
instead of rolling your own.

> Also, if I make a special-purpose https. what version of http is
> assumed?  I would assume plain GET, no http stuff, no sslv2.

According to the draft, HTTPS as specified in RFC 2818 (HTTP Over TLS) is used. 
Checking data.iana.org as of onw gives that it will offer TLSv1/SSLv3 with 


Jakob Schlyter
Kirei AB - www.kirei.se

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