
Although draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-trust-history (the DNSSEC Trust Anchor History 
Service) is a working group item and the editor has received a number of 
private comments on it, there has actually been relatively little discussion of 
the draft on the list, either pre- or post-adoption. If the draft is to go 
forward, it must represent the consensus of the working group.  To show that, 
we need people to comment on it and to support it.

So, to gauge feeling and to trigger discussion, could the chairs please have 
your views on the following issues: 

1. Is the situation addressed by the draft - that of a validator that has been 
offline or that has missed an (emergency) rollover needing to reconfigure 
itself - a problem that needs to be solved?

2. If the answer to (1) is yes, is the idea of using DNS the best way to do it?


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