* Alfred:

> My apologies for cross-posting,
> but this is inherently a cross-wg and cross-area topic:
> The revised draft contains clarifications for DNS service discovery
> using SRV RRs and suggests methods to deal with the restrictions
> imposed by draft-ietf-tsvwg-iana-ports.  It is intended that both
> drafts will eventually be published in a coordinated manner.
> Abstract
>    The DNS SRV record has been specified in RFC 2052 and RFC 2782 for
>    use in dynamic service discovery for a domain.  These two RFCs did
>    not clearly specify an IANA registry for the names of the services
>    and their underlying protocols.  This document clarifies RFC 2782
>    regarding the formation and use of the Service Prefix in the owner
>    name of SRV records, based on the unified IANA registry for "Service
>    Names and Transport Protocol Port Numbers".

Wouldn't it be better to put that effort into a SRV successor which
focuses on cryptographic binding and the introduction of (generic,
cross-application) transports above TCP/UDP?

Right now, we've got many protocols which can run over HTTP(S) and
home-grown pseudo-transport layers, and with SRV records, it is not
possible to figure out if HTTP is to be used or not.

Florian Weimer                <fwei...@bfk.de>
BFK edv-consulting GmbH       http://www.bfk.de/
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D-76133 Karlsruhe             fax: +49-721-96201-99
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