In message <44c21cd9ee514b039eafeafa707a2...@local>, "George Barwood" writes:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Patrik Wallstrom" <>
> To: "George Barwood" <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 9:06 AM
> Subject: Re: [DNSOP] KSK rollover
> >On May 13, 2010, at 9:56 AM, George Barwood wrote:
> >> I have been thinking about KSK rollover in my DNSSEC implementation, and i
> t seems
> > that there is currently no  specification for KSK rollover within the DNSSE
> C protocol.
> >> 
> >> There is this expired requirements draft
> >> 
> >>
> >> 
> >> but that's all I found.
> >> 
> >> Have I missed something? It seems to me that this is a rather vital compon
> ent if
> >> DNSSEC is to be widely deployed.
> >> 
> >> Are there any plans to revive and/or implement these requirements?
> > You probably want to read the Key Timing Considerations draft:
> >
> That is certainly relevant to rollover, but it doesn't specify any means by
> which the new DS records can be placed in the parent zone.
> "Automated Updates of DNS Security
> (DNSSEC) Trust Anchors"
> has some relevance, but doesn't provide for parent notification, or for
> publishing a DS record *before* the key is published in the zone, which
> is I think desirable.

        RFC5011 really isn't applicable to this case.
> The mechanism that occurs to me is to have a new RRtype, say "CDS", with
> identical format to the DS record, but placed in the child zone ( and 
> signed by the child zone). The parent, at regular intervals, or on
> receiving a notification from the child, would retrieve the contents of
> the CDS RRset, and use it as the new DS RRset ( of course after validating
> it using the old DS RRset ).

        There are lots of way to do this.
        * Use UPDATE to update the delegation records in the parent.
          This would work today it only requires a willingness to do so.
          This can be done securely (TSIG) and will scale.
          UPDATE was designed to support this.
        * Try to guess which keys should have DS's based on SEP bits.
        * Use a different RR type (DLV does this).  poll/notify to
          incorporate.  (Ed the daily delegation check could do this. :-))
        * Use some epp extension.
        * Use a modified UPDATE which accepts and forwards to the
          registrar for inclusion in the zone rather than immediately
          updates the zone.  When a registrar is not involved it is
          handled as a plain UPDATE.
        * ....

> There probably needs to be consideration of how the system can recover after
> a KSK is compromised, maybe there should be some minimum time interval
> before a new DS record is fully trusted. I have not thought that through.
> Well, that's just my immediate thoughts, there may be a better way.
> I'm somewhat puzzled that thre is no specification, and apparently no
> activity on this.

        There is plenty of activity.  Most of it has been people
        looking at how to fit this into the registry/registrar model
        and worries about patent infringement that are claimed to
        have been filed for some of the above.  I doubt that any
        thing we do in this area is truly novel but the USPO grants
        patents on such trivial things that its become a issue.


> KSK rollover is probably a fairly rare event (maybe once every few years), so
> possibly the feeling is that manual procedures will be sufficient. I think a
> standardized, automated in-protocol mechanism would be advisable though.
> Maybe I'm wrong.
> Best regards,
> George
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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