On Feb 22, 2010, at 7:06 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:

> In message <fd83b7a9-583c-4e6c-9301-414d043db...@dnss.ec>, Roy Arends writes:

>> This is absurd. If we're going to do this, I'd like the security consideratio
>> ns to reflect all of the non-zero probabilities of errors occuring (those tha
>> t have a higher probability). This includes software-bugs, hardware-bugs, pro
>> bability of advances in factorization, randomness of PRNG for DNSKEYs, faulty
>> calibration/low granularity of equipment measuring the transition between th
>> e two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom. Gravitati
>> onal Sphere of Influence of the 99942 Apophis on the Gravitational orbit of G
>> PS satelites (Still having a higher probability than hash-collisions ;-)), Dr
>> unk Sysadmins, Rouge Registrar, etc, etc.
>> I'm sure that it will be a very large section.
> Apart from the slightly higher risk of software bugs because NSEC3
> is more complicated.  The other items have no impact of the decision
> to choose between NSEC and NSEC3 and as such are irrelevent.

A slightly higher risk? Does a software bug probability of 1 count as a 
slightly higher risk?

Note that the security considerations section in 4641-bis has a much wider 
scope than NSEC vs NSEC3.

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