On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 8:52 AM, Roy Arends <r...@dnss.ec> wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2010, at 11:12 AM, Evan Hunt wrote:
>>> Using NSEC instead of NSEC3 because you fear SHA1 collisions does not
>>> seem sensible, as if you fear SHA1 collisions, you have other more
>>> significant problems with DNSSEC to worry about, and thus this is
>>> not, in my opinion, reasonable. And it isn't sensible to suggest
>>> users worry about it. If we are going to mention it, it should be
>>> in security considerations, saying NSEC3 is dependent upon certain
>>> properties of its hash algorithm (I forget now whether it is
>>> collision resistance, pre-image resistance or or what), but this
>>> should also point out the whole of DNSSEC is predicated on similar
>>> qualities.
>> +1 except for the "if".  It is mathematically possible for collisions to
>> occur with one approach and not the other, and it would be irresponsible
>> not to make note of the fact, even if we agree that the chances of this
>> occurring in nature are negligible.
> This is absurd. If we're going to do this, I'd like the security 
> considerations to reflect all of the non-zero probabilities of errors 
> occuring (those that have a higher probability). This includes software-bugs, 
> hardware-bugs, probability of advances in factorization, randomness of PRNG 
> for DNSKEYs, faulty calibration/low granularity of equipment measuring the 
> transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the 
> caesium 133 atom. Gravitational Sphere of Influence of the 99942 Apophis on 
> the Gravitational orbit of GPS satelites (Still having a higher probability 
> than hash-collisions ;-)), Drunk Sysadmins, Rouge Registrar, etc, etc.
> I'm sure that it will be a very large section.


I realize it's hard to grasp precisely how small the statistical
chances of a collision
are, but they are just unbelievably small. Acting as if it is
something that might
actually happen just makes you look silly.

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