At 20:31 +0000 1/22/10, Alex Bligh wrote:

contents) in So, whilst opt-out should be avoided
across intervals containing secure delegations, I see no reason
to avoid it across intervals that don't contain secure delegations.

Opt-out is restricted to "intervals" that contain only unsecured delegations.

RFC 5155:
6.  Opt-Out
... (first paragraph's last sentence):
   name of the delegation.  Setting the Opt-Out flag modifies this by
   allowing insecure delegations to exist within the signed zone without
   a corresponding NSEC3 RR at the hashed owner name of the delegation.

Edward Lewis NeuStar You can leave a voice message at +1-571-434-5468

As with IPv6, the problem with the deployment of frictionless surfaces is
that they're not getting traction.
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