In message <>, Douglas Otis writes:
> On 9/5/09 5:53 AM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> > I claim that we need to provide support for the network that people
> > are actually building.  That often includes things that we would not
> > do ourselves, and that we think would be better done otherwise.
> There are valid reasons to formally make statements about a practice, 
> whether that rules the day is a different matter.  There is a practice 
> promoted, in respect to IPv4, where the dynamic nature of an IP address 
> is to be divined by labels used in the reverse DNS PTR records.  While a 
> large number of legitimate MTAs publish PTR records, there is also a 
> number that do not.  This varies from region to region.

Which was always a error prone practive.
> As a practical matter, does it make sense to continue this practice  for 
> IPv6?  Our experience found that checking for these records has required 
> much greater resources due to high levels of abuse and large numbers of 
> reverse DNS timeouts delaying connection disposition.  While legitimate 
> MTA often have PTR records, not all do.  Illegitimate MTA lacking an 
> operational server in the reverse address space end up comprising the 
> majority of traffic seen.

In theory there is nameserver for every address.  You should be
complaining to the RIR's / LIR's if the ISP's are not running
nameservers after requesting delegation.  All delegations are

Illegitimate MTA'a may not have a PTR but a server should still be
responding with a negative response.

Also I don't see what this has to do with populating the reverse
tree or not.  It may have to do with delegating only to CPE equipment
but that is a orthoganal issue.

> Keeping histories (persistent caches) about which MTAs offer which label 
> type in their reverse entry can be handled in the IPv4 address space. 
> As a practical matter, this is not easily done for IPv6.  Does it make 
> sense from an operational standpoint for ISPs to differentiate between 
> residential services by using "different" labels in the reverse zone?
> -Doug

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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