>>>>> On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 22:44:42 -0700, Doug Barton <do...@dougbarton.us> 
>>>>> said:
DB> I've read the draft at the URL above and am generally supportive of
DB> its moving forward.


Thanks for responding with a review about the Management Requirements
document.  I've applied all your very useful changes to the draft.

I only had a question/comment about one of them:

DB> 3.1.1 Needed Control Operations
DB> The ability to do a reload on an individual zone should probably be
DB> mentioned here.

That's probably a good point but I think it's worth checking to make
sure anyone else reading this has a problem with this.  Supporting
partial reloads (be that split line along a zone data set or something
more granular) is potentially more intensive than a complete reload.

You're right the original text didn't really specify anything (though it
implied a complete reload).  How does this bullet replacement sound:

  OLD:     Reloading zone data
  NEW:     Reloading some or all of the zone data sets

I'm not sure "sets" should be in there or not...  I think it conveys the
boundary line better though.

"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett
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