In message <a06240801c5f1ced4c...@[]>, Edward Lewis writes:
> At 1:28 +0100 3/27/09, Holger Zuleger wrote:
> >So why doesn't an authoritative name server set the AD bit on 
> >answers to queries with the DO flag set?
> Good question.  Perhaps the authoritative server does not have DNSSEC enabled
> ?
> (BIND specific - in recent versions of BIND, since Feb 2007, if 
> dnssec-enabled is not yes, it doesn't do DNSSEC processing.)

        AD=1 is a may.  We recommend that you have a recursive-only
        view if you are mixing recursion and authoritative modes in
        the one server.
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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