In message <>, Andrew Sullivan writes:
> On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 03:13:57PM +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> > But this criteria is easier written than applied. For instance, should
> > the ABNF allow fully-numeric top-level domain names? There is no
> > *technical* reason to ban them. 
> There's a strong technical reason to ban any numeric TLD name that
> could be interpreted as part of a dotted-quad, however, and for the
> sake of technical simplicity it might in fact be much easier just to
> ban them all instead.
        3735928559 is also a IPv4 address.
        222.11386607 is also a IPv4 address.
        0xdeadbeef is also a IPv4 address.
        0xde.0xadbeef is also a IPv4 address.
        0xde.0xad.0xbeef is also a IPv4 address.
        0xde.0xad.0xbe.0xef is also a IPv4 address.

        Banning tlds that start with a digit is the simplest most
        straight forward way to stop confusion.  I know of no IPv4
        address format that starts with a letter.

        IPv6 address presentation forms have colons in them so they
        are not going to collide with hostnames.
> A
> -- 
> Andrew Sullivan
> Shinkuro, Inc.
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