* Alexander Gall:

> More data points from two authoritative servers for the ch ccTLD:
> 40-50% (I've attached the relevant DSC graphs for the past month).
> I looked more closely on one of the servers.  Out of about 22 million
> queries in the past 11 hours, about 10 million from 161000 different
> sources had the DO flag set.

Interesting, thanks.  It seems that the BIND 9.3 recursor sets the DO
bit by default, even if it does not support DNSSEC on the client
interface without "dnssec-enable yes;" (IOW, the DO bit is ignored

(Unbound sets the DO bit, too, but it processes it on the responder
side as well.)

Florian Weimer                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
BFK edv-consulting GmbH       http://www.bfk.de/
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