On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 10:15:19AM +0100,
 Gervase Markham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 53 lines which said:

> Why should TLDs think they have an automatic right to have Firefox
> display domains they have issued which allow our users to be fooled
> or defrauded?

Interesting. It reminds me of the RIR which assign IP addresses
prefixes without being able to guarantee they will be routed.

I always assumed that the poor domain name registrant had only to
fight with the rules of the registrar/registry/ICANN/governement to
get his domain registered and used everywhere in the world. Now, I see
that besides registration rules (sometimes painful, see
<http://www.afnic.fr/obtenir/chartes_en>), registrants also have to
go through the filter of browser authors.

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