On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 10:52:23PM +0100, $me wrote:

> There is a request to adopt <draft-larson-dnsop-trust-anchor-02.txt>
> "DNSSEC Trust Anchor Configuration and Maintenance" as a DNSOP WG item.
> The topic is covered by our charter.

there were two responses to this mail, both in favor of the genaral idea.
One responder was not sure whether to have this in the IETF at all since
it would address a software config issue.  That's true, but the basic idea
is to have a vendor independent trust anchor distribution format, so it
addresses interoperability.

> Given the support in the room earlier today, silence will default to "yes".

That said, draft-larson-dnsop-trust-anchor is now a working group document.
For easier tracking, the authors/editors are kindly asked to resubmit the
draft as a WG -00.


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