On Oct 1, 2007, at 1:08 PM, John Kristoff wrote:

Since this group can be a bit pedantic about terminology, what Danny
is referencing is what I was specifically referring to as "resolvers".
I totally made up those four categories for my purposes of describing
some of the work we were doing as a simple way to describe what we've
seen in responses to probes.

Yeah, I'd hope you'd chime in here :-)  Sorry to put you
on the spot, but I believe data and work are relevant and
quite useful in this context.  Furthermore,  I think it's a useful
exercise to classify resolver types, as implications and any
recommendation BCPs would perhaps vary widely across
each type.

Can you explain what you mean by the 800k being the larger problem?
I presume you're referring to the observation that the majority of
resolvers on the net are forwarding to that smaller pool.

Yep, precisely.

I might argue that the bigger problem is not with the 800k pool.

Yeah, actually, I could agree with that.  One might presuppose
that the larger pool is perhaps the result of more default
configuration and implementation issues.  Do you have any
additional thoughts along these lines, perhaps further analysis
based on the dns-fp/id data sets?


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