> Joe Abley wrote:
> >=20
> >=20
> > I think what is interesting to me is to examine EDNS0 availability
> > amongst the class of queries that can reasonably be answered. I don't
> > much care whether queries that can't be answered support EDNS0.
> >=20
> > But others may be interested in different things :-)
> >=20
> How important is the actual size advertised in the EDNS0 field?
> I remember a small but noticeable number of hosts having EDNS0 enabled
> but set to 512 octets, when i did some stats research a while ago (data
> has probably aged too much to say anything about it now, just thought
> i'd mention it).
> It's still better than no edns0 because it means the code is there and
> it's probably a configuration thing, but still.
> Jelte

        It's actually BIND 9 falling back to 512 bytes because the
        default EDNS query failed to get a response.

        [EMAIL PROTECTED] firewalls.

Mark Andrews, ISC
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