
From what I've seen, there have not been any postings on this wg topic.

Nonetheless since we are in the midst of IETF week, I'd like to ask whether anyone has interest in talking about this sometime during the week.


Dave Crocker wrote:
 > This is revised based on original presentation about dns-attrleaf, in
order to
document it as a starting point for working group discussion.

    Title        : DNS Scoped Data Through Attribute Leaves
    Author(s)    : D. Crocker
    Filename    : draft-crocker-dns-attrleaf-03.txt
    Pages        : 9
    Date        : 2007-7-11
Historically, any DNS RR may occur for any domain name. Recent
    additions have defined DNS leaf nodes that contain a reserved node
    name, beginning with an underscore.  The underscore construct is used
    to define a semantic scope for the associated, parent domain name,
    within which the use of some RRs is constrained.  Hence the
    underscore construct defines a basic paradigm modification to the
    DNS.  This note explores the nature of this DNS usage and defines the
    procedures for registering "underscore names" with IANA.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking

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