The document is well written, and I did not find any factual errors.

I generally support the document for advancement, with one caveat:
Section 7 paragraph 2

This section assumes ALL traffic coming to a site from AS112 servers
is in response to DNS queries ISSUED BY THE SITE.
IMHO the document should mention that AS112 servers can be used as reflectors
in DoS attacks against sites and if that is the case the document should
state what to do. Contacting the AS112 operators and ask the to QoS queries
for the prefix in question.

In general slow trickle of answers (few per minute) is normal while
higher load is suspicious.

Nit: the document should advise people that think they are under attack to
monitor outgoing traffic to the AS112 addresses port 53.


At 13:45 20/07/2007, Peter Koch wrote:
Dear WG,

in Prague we discussed the two documents in our "AS112 basket" (setting aside
similarities to "AS112 in a box" for a moment).  Some discussion around the
document <draft-ietf-dnsop-as112-ops-00.txt> arose and some questions need
to be addressed. The sense of the room was, though, that the user centric
draft <draft-ietf-dnsop-as112-under-attack-help-help-00.txt> "I'm Being
Attacked by PRISONER.IANA.ORG!" was ready to go and five people volunteered
as WGLC reviewers. After the meeting, two reviews were already posted with
general support, the only concern raised that the document might still be
"too technical" for the target audience.  There was no further discussion.

Since this draft is rather independent of proposed or foreseeable changes to
the operational document, it can move ahead quicker, so this message starts a

Working Group Last Call on <draft-ietf-dnsop-as112-under-attack-help-help-00.txt>
        ending Wednesday, 2007-08-22 12:00 UTC

Please review the draft and comment on this list, preferrably including
proposed text if you'd like to see changes.
The WG agreed to submit this for publication as FYI (RFC 1150), so it should be
read from the less DNS addict's perspective.  That said, even though it's not
mandatory, the draft might be subject to an IETF wide Last Call, as well.


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