<hat wg-co-chair="on">

My co-chair has recused himself from WG chair issues related to this
draft, for the obvious reason.

If I understood M. Moreau's message, he is not making any IPR claims
against anything covered in Peter's current draft.  Rather, he is:

a) Suggesting that Peter incorporate an idea discussed in one of his
   own drafts;

b) Claiming that he has an IPR interest in the idea he is suggesting
   that Peter incorporate into Peter's draft,

c) Making some non-binding comments about what he might do in the
   future if his IPR claims are held to be valid, and

d) Stating that he will file a formal IPR statement at some future

With no disrespect to M. Moreau intended, and without expressing any
opinion on the validity of M. Moreau's claims, the suggestion seems
only peripherally related to the main purpose of Peter's draft, and I
see no pressing need for the WG to dive into the IPR rathole without
having even explored any other alternatives.

Absent strong support from disinterested WG participants for having
Peter's draft explore M. Moreau's putatively encumbered idea, I will
direct Peter to decline M. Moreau's suggestion, at least until
M. Moreau has filed his IPR statement and it is possible for a
disinterested person to reach an independent opinion on the extent,
relevance, and validity of M. Moreau's IPR claims.


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