> BTW, one technical point about AOL:
> AOL is not an ISP;

        It really does not matter what the genesis of AOL was they are a
        ISP today.  Also AOL started in 1985.  The Internet pre-dates AOL.

        Fast Facts as of November, 2006

    * AOL is the leading Internet service provider (ISP) in the U.S.
    * AOL operates the No. 2 domestic Web network in monthly unique visitors 
with 112 million.
    * AOL owns and operates the No. 3 online advertising network in the world
    * The AOL Network of Web properties generates nearly 52 billion quarterly 
page views.
    * AOL operates the No. 1 instant-messaging network in the U.S.
    * Over 2 billion instant messages are sent across AOL's messaging networks 
(AIM and ICQ) each day.
    * AOL blocks approximately 1.5 billion spam e-mails daily.
    * About 200 million unique users visit AOL's global Web network, ranking it 
fourth in the world in overall visitors.

>               --Dean
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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