> When a resolve for a ccTLD .bg, there is
> a loop going on, maybe somewhere at  auth01.ns.uu.net.

You have shown a problem for *one* subdomain of .bg - do you have
similar problems for *other* subdomain of .bg?

> I am not an expert, so please help us to solve
> this loop, because most of the queries go in a
> loop.

The DNS info for hit.bg is *inconsistent*, and you should *expect*
problems. Fix those problems first would be my advice.

The .bg name servers (all in agreement) say:

hit.bg.                 4D IN NS        ns.orbitel.bg.
hit.bg.                 4D IN NS        chicken.orbitel.bg.
ns.orbitel.bg.          4D IN A
chicken.orbitel.bg.     4D IN A

So far so good. The supposedly authoritative name servers for hit.bg

hit.bg.                 1D IN NS        ns.hit.bg.
hit.bg.                 1D IN NS        ns.0rbitel.net.
hit.bg.                 1D IN NS        ns2.hit.bg.
hit.bg.                 1D IN NS        chicken.0rbitel.net.
ns.hit.bg.              1D IN A
ns.0rbitel.net.         1D IN A
ns2.hit.bg.             1D IN A
chicken.0rbitel.net.    1D IN A

So here we have ns.orbitel.bg and chicken.orbitel.bg with different
IP addresses, and we have two "new" name servers which are unknown to
the .bg ccTLD servers. You should *expect* problems with such an
inconsistent setup.

Oh yeah, I don't believe this problem belongs on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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