At 0:43 -0500 2/14/07, Dean Anderson wrote:
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Edward Lewis wrote:
How did you come to the conclusion that "most people on the Working
Group agree with" you on this? I point out that you say "most
The past history of this document shows that most people do not agree
with, say, Robert Story. Mans Nielson etc have favored the very first
draft, and every draft since for several years.
I think its funny that Andrew Sullivan just said that he's seen only one
person agree with me. I count in this __recent__ discussion a very few
people particpating, yet Ted Lemon and JINMEI Tatuya as posted comments
in general agreement with my views.
But if you think I'm wrong about what the group thinks, then I'd be more
I think you are misinterpreting the question. Let me restate.
Based on what information are you concluding that "most people on the
Working Group" are in agreement with what you have said/written?
I did not ask whether you were right or wrong on what the group
thinks. I asked for the reasons behind concluding that the group
generally (most people anyway) agrees with you.
What I am objecting to is your declaration of a consensus.
Edward Lewis +1-571-434-5468
"Two years ago you said we had 5-7 years, now you are saying 3-5. What I
need from you is a consistent story..."
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