On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 07:31:09AM -0500, Edward Lewis wrote:
> Perhaps what needs to be conveyed is that the DNS response to a 
> reverse map query for an address ought to reflect what is supposed to 
> be seen at the address.

I like that as a general statement of the point of all of this. 
Since the point is to make this a "considerations" document, surely
the general statement is enough? 

> Perhaps a special comment ought to be made about "leaking" although I 

I avoided talking about that because I think it's already covered in
the Mark Andrews draft about defaults for local zones.  I'm happy to
put a reference in, but the sense I got in San Diego and previously
was that people didn't want that, because the reference might hold up
the draft and we've been waiting long enough.  


Andrew Sullivan                         204-4141 Yonge Street
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