I think this is fixed in 2.91 by commit




On 1/31/25 13:20, Mathieu ABATI wrote:

I am using dnsmasq through libvirt, and I get a crash when I send SIGHUP to 
dnsmasq, my setup is using a configuration with hosts and options files 
including tags.
No error in my configuration files is reported by dnsmasq.
I attached some files to have a simple setup to reproduce the issue.

1. Prepare network interfaces by running setup.sh script, it creates bridged 
virtual interfaces to simulate DHCP server and client.
2. Run dnsmasq: sudo dnsmasq -d --conf-file=dnsmasq.conf
3. Simulate a DHCP request from the host present in hosts.conf (else the crash 
will not occur): sudo dhclient -v -d dhclient-test
4. Send SIGHUP to dnsmasq to trigger hosts and options files reload. You get a crash with 
"double free or corruption (out)" message.
5. Cleanup with cleanup.sh script.

If you edit hosts.conf to remove the ",set:group1" part, no more crash doing 
the same operations.
So it seems to be related on tags reload in hosts file.

Reproduced on ArchLinux and Ubuntu using dnsmasq 2.90.

As a workaround to this problem, I removed tags from hosts.conf file and I have 
added such entry in the main configuration file:
This is not reloaded on SIGHUP, but this is acceptable in my use case where I 
only need to update static IP addresses and options.
But indeed it doesn't allow to dynamically add new tagged hosts without 
restarting dnsmasq process.

Best regards

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