First time here, firstly to those that contributed thank you for the free
I encountered an issue where dnsmasq failed to start with the error:

dnsmasq[PID]: cannot open or create lease file
/var/run/qemu-dnsmasq-br0.leases: Permission denied

After debugging, I discovered the root cause was *not* a permissions issue
but a *missing bridge interface (br0)* referenced in the configuration. The
service was configured (likely via libvirt) to use br0, which no longer
existed. Which could be more of libvirts fault but I don't remember if i
removed the interface manually or via libvirt,

*Steps taken*:

*No issue*
0. Created a br0 interface to be used with libvirt

1. Later removed br0, but the residual configuration file remained

*Dnsmasq stops working*

2. Error message  hinted at qemu and a past br0 interface

3. Deleted the configuration file

4. Issue fixed

It was my fault to not take these and only these steps before all my other
troubleshooting efforts. but I learned. Although from this experience I
think it could be useful to differentiate between a permission issue or a
nonexistent interface in the logs by checking if the interface in the file

It might even make sense to not fail the whole thing since that failure
wouldn't cause any other side effects, although I understand why this might
be a bad idea.

Also adding a .bak to the end of the conf file did not make dnsmasq ignore
it, made me question my sanity for a moment, deleting it fixed it.

Here is some system information:


> strict-order
> interface=br0
> interface=lo
> #no-dhcp-interface=lo
> bind-interfaces
> dhcp-range=,
> pid-file=/var/run/
> dhcp-leasefile=/var/run/qemu-dnsmasq-br0.leases

Dnsmasq version 2.90


If you see fit as well I would like to contribute code to this.


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