I've been running with a setup with bind and the ISC DHCP server.  It
works, but there's one feature it cannot do that dnsmasq can, and I've
been looking to simplify my configuration from all that complexity,

I have dnsmasq mostly working, but I'm having one big problem.  It seems
that requests received from UDP are only forwarded to UDP, they cannot
be forwarded to TCP.  I'm running DNS over TLS on the server, so I have
to be able to do TCP, but requests come in from clients on UDP and TCP.
What can I do about this?

I also have a few suggestions/comments:

It would be really nice if filter-AAAA could take a domain name and only
filter the given domains.  That way, for instance, if I had something
then test.net would only return A records.  I work around this by
forwarding the given domains to another running dnsmasq with filter-AAAA
set, but having that built-in would be really nice.

Having DNS over TLS built-in would be nice.  stunnel works, but it's
just one more thing to manage.

DNS over TCP is going to be a bigger thing as time goes by, and its
support in dnsmasq seems incomplete in other ways, like caching.  Is
this planned to be fixed in the future?



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