On Sat, Aug 17, 2024 at 11:55:07AM +0200, Uwe Schindler wrote:
> Hi,
> I know there is the feature to reject DNS queries from hosts based on
> marking the connection with iptables. I tried to set this up for some
> specific radio device which has a buggy weather.com webservice api
> that crashes on broken results. I know if I filter some weather.com
> API requests completely in dnsmasq, the device no longer shows weater
> and does not crash.
> I know how to add connmarks to IPtables mangle table, but I did not
> get the filtering running.
> Does anybody has an example how to setup the combination of iptables
> mangle rules with dnsmask. The documentation man page has no example
> and is far from useful. I have no idea what means mark and what those
> masks are.  Basically I want to mark all DNS packets (UDP port 53)
> from a specific device on internal network with some tag and instruct
> dnsmasq to not answer dns requests for a specific domain. The iptables
> rules are easy to setup, but I have no idea what to pass to connmark
> ipotables module (no mention of masks there, but marks) and how to
> setup dnsmasq.
> It would really be good to have an educating example in the dnsmasq
> documentation of a working setup (both for dnsmasq config and for some
> example iptables rules).
> Any ideas?

git clone URL_of_dnsmasq_source dnsmasq
cd dnsmasq/contrib/conntrack

> Many thanks

Idea for a better "Many thanks": Share with the mailinglist archive
feedback on the file contrib/conntrack/README like a "Works for me"
or even an addition as "Here a patch that documents my working use case".

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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