Depends on how you use dnsmasq. If you use NetworkManager managed instance, it can create /etc/resolv.conf for you. Define dns=dnsmasq in NetworkManager.conf and restart the service. That's it!

Or just rm -f /etc/resolv.conf && sudoedit /etc/resolv.conf, manually.

On 04. 06. 24 11:10, Chris Green wrote:
I run dnsmasq instead of systemd-resolved on all my systems.

I have just built a new xubuntu 24.04 system and, having disabled
systemd-resolved and installed dnsmasq it appears to be working OK but
the /etc/resolv.conf symbolic link is broken, so there's no
/etc/resolv.conf which upsets some programs.

Should I just manually edit /etc/resolv.conf or is there some better
way of handling this?  All the systems in question just use dnsmasq
for local DNS cacheing and use the router at for upstream
DNS queries.  Thus, on other systems on the LAN, I just have an
/etc/resolv.conf file as follows:-


Should I just create an /etc/resolv.conf like this for the new system?

No, there is no way on dnsmasq to manage /etc/resolv.conf. Just create it manually as normal file. Depends on if you use resolvconf or similar tool. At least on Fedora systemd-resolved tends to take /etc/resolv.conf, if it already does not exist on boot. So you need to create it as normal file to prevent it.

I suggest adding option ends0 trust-ad into it. Dnsmasq's TCP retry is somehow poor, using edns0 wherever it works will improve its performance. It should work on every sane network. Consider lowering timeout and increasing attempts. options timeout:3 attempts:3 or timeout:2 attempts:4 might work better. Dnsmasq retries are driven by external clients, caching should reduce issues with it when network works.

Petr Menšík
Software Engineer, RHEL
Red Hat,
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