On 14/07/2021 20:16, Geert Stappers via Dnsmasq-discuss wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 06:08:46PM +0100, Simon Kelley wrote:
>> On 14/07/2021 06:17, Gocool.. wrote:
>>> Hi Team,
>>> I am using the dnsmasq package of version "2.83" as a DHCP server.
>>> Looking for the option for configuring the "DHCP-FORCERENEW" option in
>>> dnsmasq.
>>> When there is a change in the LAN network subnet, the DHCP server should
>>> trigger FORCE-RENEW packets to all its connected clients. So, all the
>>> clients immediately get IP in the new subnet configured.
>>> Could you please let me know whether the FORCE-RENEW option is supported
>>> in dnsmasq? If Yes, How can I achieve this? Please advise.
>>> Thank you inĀ advance,
>> Forcerenew is not supported. Sorry.
> After reading https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3203 DHCP reconfigure 
> extension
> ( Abstract
>    This document defines extensions to DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
>    Protocol) to allow dynamic reconfiguration of a single host triggered
>    by the DHCP server (e.g., a new IP address and/or local configuration
>    parameters).  This is achieved by introducing a unicast FORCERENEW
>    message which forces the client to the RENEW state.  The behaviour
>    for hosts using the DHCP INFORM message to obtain configuration
>    information is also described.
> )
> I understand why it isn't yet implemented. I don't understand why
> there was no "patches welcome".

For the avoidance of doubt: patches would be welcome.


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