On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 06:52:03PM +0100, Ed W wrote:
> Hi, around 2.82 someone posted a little patch to import the config files in 
> dictionary order, which
> is very useful for situations where you have overlapping definitions. I'm 
> using an addn-hosts stanza
> pointing to a directory and files currently import in a somewhat random order 
> (suppose inode
> order?), which can lead to unexpected reverse host definitions in some cases
> Could we have a dictionary order import for add-hosts files please?

Qouting Dominik from 
} Feature submissions via git patches are welcomed also on this list
} and are known to accelerate feature realization drastically.

So it is a good thing to be more precise then
 "around 2.82 someone posted a little patch to import the config files in 
dictionary order"

Visit the mailinglist archive and come back with the URL
of the (meanwhile outdated??) patch.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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