Am Sun, 23 May 2021 22:25:28 +0200
schrieb Geert Stappers via Dnsmasq-discuss 

>  I learnt it is already implemented

It is not. What they implemented, probably by doing copy&paste from sysv, does 
not help at all. There is zero need to run dnsmasq --test in this context, 
dnsmasq will fail either way. It might be that --test shows more helpful 
diagnostic, but according to dnsmasq(8) this is apparently not the case.

A 'systemctl restart dnsmasq.service' will stop the daemon, then try to run 
ExecStartPre, which may fail. As a result the service will not run, and the 
service will not be provided anymore.

What the OP was likely asking for is a way to have a verification prior the 
service is stopped. If that verification fails, the service must remain active 
in its current state.

This is certainly offtopic for this list. Instead it should be suggested as a 
new feature to the systemd developers - because it affects every service that 
can verify the configuration. I'm sure this idea came up before, not sure why 
systemd does not offer such a reliability feature already.


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