> To answer the question, the host doesn't get the same address because
> "multiple MAC addresses on the same line" is NOT the same as a MAC
> address with wildcards in it. If you had
> dhcp-host=96:8d:d4:d0:4d:e3,a4:50:46:d0:4d:e3,
> then it would work, but
> dhcp-host=*:*:*:d0:4d:e3,
> doesn't.
> I can't see why the code shouldn't  be altered to make this work, this
> is just a case that nobody anticipated.

I tried with explicit mac-addresses (it's annoying to write 4 versions, but
not a big deal if it works), and I got the same result. It's true that I
tried this using 2.75, now that I am running 2.85 I can try again (yes, I
updated again with the current code from thekelleys.co.uk).

> A possibly more tidy solution to this problem is to configure your
> clients to send client-IDs in their DHCP requests. If client-IDs are
> present, they totally override MAC addresses, so a client which always
> send the same clienr-ID will always be identified and keep the same IP
> address, even if its MAC address changes. Of course this only works if
> you're OS/DHCP client combination allows configuration of client-IDs.
> AFAIK all the common Linux ones do.
That would be really great, but unfortunately I don't control all the
devices, some of them being mobile phones with very little room to

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