I went though this carefully, and decided that replacing the address in
the dhcp-host with the next free one, but otherwise treating things the
same might not work well. For instance, there are places where the
question is asked "is this address reserved in any dhcp-host?" and
clearly that needs to be modified to answer "yes" to any of the
addresses when there is more than one.
I ended with a different implementation of the same thing, with the
exception that I only supported a prefix range of addresses, and not an
arbitrary list. That makes the internal representation much simpler.

A quick test passes fine, but Harald you clearly have a better test
harness. Please could you put this through its paces, and see if it does
what you need.




On 27/01/2020 08:14, Harald Jensås wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-01-26 at 18:34 +0000, Simon Kelley wrote:
>> /62 is crazy, I don't know why I even said that. Harald, if you could
>> tweak your patch work with 128-based prefixes, I think we have
>> reached a
>> successful conclusion.
> Sure, since 128-bit int's might not be available on many platforms
> where dnsmasq run I opted to support a max prefix of /64. So a prefix
> between /64 - /128 are valid in config. If the user tries to use a
> prefix < /64 an error is raised.
> Updated patch below:

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