* Simon Kelley <si...@thekelleys.org.uk> [08.05.2015 22:36]:
> Are you sure the low-memory thing is relevant? Do you see the same
> problem on a newly booted machine?

i'am not sure, if the lowmem-situation is relevant.
on a newly booted machine there are no problems.

> The logs you include are odd. Doing DHCP on the loopback interface is
> unusual, and may be a cause.

it is unusual but it works. this is just some sort of "watchdog".
and not part of the problem. the interesting thing is, that dnsmasq
is still running (as seen in the log). just the script does not
get executed anymore...

for now we should keep it in the archive. it will
poke you again, if i can see it again. what should i do
in that situation? does a 'kill -SIGSEGV $pid' with coredump help?

bye, bastian

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