
Here’s the agenda for the DNS Working Group sessions at the RIPE 77 meeting in 

Kind regards,

=== Session 1, Wednesday 17 October, 09:00-10:30 ===

A.  Administrivia

- Agenda bashing
- Review of action items
- Approval of previous minutes
- Selection of new co-chair

B.  DNS OARC Update, Keith Mitchell

DNS-OARC regularly co-locates its Domain Name Systems Operations Workshops with 
RIPE, and is doing so again jointly with CENTR-Tech in Amsterdam immediately 
before RIPE77. OARC seeks to bridge the DNS clue gap through knowledge sharing, 
data gathering/analysis, community building, and outreach.

This talk will give an introduction and summary for the wider RIPE audience of 
the latest DNS material freshly presented at OARC29 (see for topics), and will 
include a pick of the best new DNS technology deployment experiences, best 
practices, data, and analysis, with pointers to sources of further information.

C.  Update on the Root KSK Roll, Roy Arends

D.  Will your DNS break in 2019?, Petr Špaček

Is your authoritative server ready for changes in 2019? Group of DNS software 
vendors is removing support for certain types of non-compliance with DNS 
standards. This talk will explain what means for you 
and how to prepare your DNS infrastructure to minimize impact.

E.  Managing DNS zones using Git, Ondřej Caletka

Why ISPs like us edit zone files manually. The most common errors and how to 
fight them.
Introducing dzonegit, custom open-source solution to keep zone files in Git.

=== Session 2, Thursday 18 October, 14:00-15:30 ===

F.  RIPE NCC Report, Anand Buddhdev

Switching to a new DNSSEC signer.
Upcoming 100Gig site for K-root.

G.  GeoIP + DNSSEC in Knot DNS, Petr Špaček

In this talk we will briefly introduce a new response tailoring feature of Knot 
DNS 2.7, an open-source authoritative-only DNS server developed by CZ.NIC.
We will show how to configure Knot DNS server to tailor responses to queries 
according to client's geographic location or subnet the client belongs to.
The module can be used securely with DNSSEC, either effectively by precomputing 
signatures at load, or online in cooperation with Knot DNS's Online Sign module.

H.  IETF DNSOP WG Update, Benno Overeinder

A short summary of current activities/drafts/discussions/views in the DNSOP WG.
We would like to have RIPE participant (operator) input on the current 
discussions and drafts.

I.  Updated Measurements on DNS Privacy, Sara Dickinson

An update on the benchmarking of TCP/TLS for recursive resolvers presented at 
RIPE 76.

J.  Any Other Business

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