Hello DNS working group,

We will be starting the selection process for the RIPE DNS working group chair soon.

This mail provides information about the process, including a small change, as well as a timeline for the next one.

Current DNS Working Group Chair Selection Process
The DNS working group chair selection process is documented here:


We have 3 co-chairs so each chair's term is 3 years.

Tweak to the Process
A change was proposed by the working group chairs in the last RIPE DNS working group session at RIPE 76.

All of the current chairs noticed that they were the first person who volunteered for the position, and support on the mailing list started immediately. We feel that this gives an unfair advantage to the first person, and discourages possibly equally- or better-qualified potential chairs.

So, for the next selection, applicants will be asked to send their information to the DNS working group chairs directly. We will then release the names and statements of all applicants at the same time, where usual discussion and support (or opposition) for them can be offered on the mailing list.

Upcoming DNS Working Group Chair Selection
RIPE 77 will be David Knight's 6th meeting as DNS working group co-chair, so his co-chair position needs to be filled. He is able to volunteer again; if he does so his name will be released at the same time as all other volunteers.

The timeline will be:

* 2018-08-31 The call for co-chair volunteers will be issued.

* 2018-09-23 The call for co-chair volunteers closes.

* 2018-09-24 The list of volunteers will be published to the mailing

* 2018-10-17 At the DNS working group session at RIPE 77 João and Shane
             will announce consensus based on the mailing list

As always, please feel free to reach out to any of the chairs directly, to us as a group at dns-wg-cha...@ripe.net, or discuss this or any other any relevant topic on this mailing list.



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