Dear all, Here is the draft agenda and meeting information for the DNS Working Group at the upcoming RIPE 76 meeting in Marseilles (you have already registered, right?)
DNS WG at RIPE 76 Slots: Wednesday 16th: 9:00-10:30 Wednesday 16th: 14:00-15:30 Agenda: Administrivia (5 min) Petr Spacek (CZ.NIC): NSEC aggressive caching measurements (30 min) Joao Damas + Geoff Huston (APNIC): Measuring ATR (30 min) Baptiste Jonglez (IMAG): High-performance DNS over TCP (30 min) Moritz Muller (SIDN): DNSSEC rollovers (30 min) Colin Petrie(RIPE NCC): Deploying DNS over TLS for the RIPE Meeting (15 min) Vicky RIsk (ISC): A survey on DNS Privacy(15 min) AOB(0-5 min) See you all soon Joao Damas DNS-WG co-chair