
It’s that time again!

In accordance with the chair selection process we announce that one of the 
current co-chairs (Jaap Akkerhuis) is standing down and we would like to invite 
volunteers, or nominations for someone to become a new co-chair of the DNS 
working group.

The main responsibility of a co-chair is to prepare the agenda for the working 
group sessions, there are also some obligations in the policy development 
process, but the dns wg doesn’t often make policy.

Anyone may volunteer, and anyone may be nominated by posting to the list. It 
would be helpful for candidates to give the working group some words as to why 
they think they ought to be a co-chair, what new ideas, or improvements they 
might bring, etc.

Members of the working group are encouraged to show their support (or not) for 
those who volunteer, or are nominated. The working group will decide by 
consensus on the list who will be appointed. In the absence of consensus the 
tied candidates will draw lots.

The aim is to be able to announce a new co-chair in the dns wg session at 
RIPE75 in Dubai.

Thanks and kind regards,

The WG Chair Selection Process

Working Group Chair Job Description and Procedures

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