>> On 6 Jul 2016, at 13:21, Max Grobecker <max.grobec...@ml.grobecker.info> 
>> wrote:
>> You wrote:
>>> You can’t blame your service provider for hijacking your DNS traffic or 
>>> running DPI on their network these days. In fact most of them use DPI to 
>>> some extent for various reasons.
>> Yes, I would blame my ISP for that. That's something I wouldn't expect as a 
>> customer
> Better check the small print of your contract with the ISP. Unless you’re 
> living in a banana republic, your ISP will very likely be complying with laws 
> that prevent access to illegal content. That generally means deploying things 
> like DPI and policy-based DNS rewriting. Whether or not ISPs deserve to be 
> blamed for that is another matter.

Even if they are not doing it on a permanent basis, there are odds that they 
have target/user based policies for DPI based policies.

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