
On 29 Jun 2016, at 8:55, Henrik Lund Kramshøj wrote:
and when being attacked the harm is already done, service will be interrupted if we do nothing …
There is a difference on doing something as a response to attacks or having something hanging there that might treat you bad down the road.

so the talk about these boxes throwing away some traffic, bad middleboxes etc. These are not middleboxes, but part of the overall solution at the end-network - and as such they increase operational cost - but they bring more resilience and stability to the service. They even work using the existing hardware devices in many circumstances, making the cost less than buying “DDoS protection service box model 2000"

YMMV, and you should always consider your own environment, adding DNSSEC comments are great etc. Some things SHOULD be discarded, others rate-limited
I don't have problems with discarding, but again it should be done where the impact is understood and a router doesn't have that. Doing opaque dropping to the outbound of a resolver even while part of the solution can have weird effects and should be avoided.

and shameless link which has similar advise
Again that was during the attack and not permanent (Anand can correct me if I got it wrong). Also this was an authoritative server which has a different defence pattern that a resolver that was described in the article.

So long

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